Do’s and Don’ts When You’re a Victim of Crime

We often talk about how to stay safe and what to do to prevent crimes, but we don’t always remember that the victims of crime are also people too. We rely on our friends, colleagues, and family for help. So, here is a guide on how to stay safe and protect yourself when you are a victim of crime.


  • Call 911 immediately

Do you dial 911 when you are a victim of a crime? If you are a victim of a crime, then you should do everything that you can to have the police come take care of the crime. If you dial 911, then you have the law on your side, and you will have the police come and take care of the crime. If you dial 911 because you think that you need to, then you are trying to play the odds in your favor, but you are not helping yourself. If you dial 911, then you are doing what you need to do to have the police come and take care of the crime.

  • Seek medical attention

You may have heard that it is a crime to fail to “seek medical attention” if you have been the victim of a crime. This is a common misconception. The law does not require you to call 911 or go to the hospital immediately after being a victim of a crime. For example, it’s not a crime to not seek medical care if you witness your rape or break your leg.

In the United Kingdom, there is a debate over the availability of non-emergency medical treatment by non-doctors such as nurses and paramedics. A particular concern for some is the availability of mental health professionals, which they believe should be available at all times, as opposed to a system of waiting times and priority health care.

  • You should know your rights.

In many countries, victim-witnesses and complainants have the right to choose whether they want to testify. Sometimes, people choose not to present their statements because they feel that the evidence against them is weak, or they are concerned about its consequences. But, the victims’ right to choose when and how to testify against the accused is not always well understood. In such situations, seeking professional legal advice becomes crucial. Consulting a reputable criminal lawyer firm like Goss Law can provide invaluable guidance to individuals who are grappling with the decision of whether to testify. Lawyers usually understand the complexities surrounding such cases and can offer expert insights that empower victims to make informed choices about their involvement in legal proceedings.

  • Call your local law enforcement officers

If you’ve ever been a victim of a crime, then you’re probably familiar with the feeling of helplessness, fear, and confusion. It’s a bad situation and one that can leave you feeling frustrated and less safe. But there are things you can do to help ensure you feel a bit more comfortable and safe.

If you’ve ever called the police in an emergency, you’re probably familiar with their response. They’ll come to your location, assess the situation, and decide whether to involve yourself in the situation. This is what law enforcement officers do when you call them in an emergency, and it is a vital aspect of emergency response. Sometimes, however, you may not be thinking rationally and may not be able to make an informed decision about what to do, so it may be in your best interest to ask a police officer to get involved in the situation.


  • Do not leave the crime scene.

No one wants to be a victim of a crime, and it’s, unfortunately, becoming a sad reality for many. Depending on the crime, the victim can be left with many questions. What should I do next? Should I go to the police? Should I move? How do I protect my family? What should I tell my employer? What if the crime has already happened? Your questions will get answered here, as we discuss and inform you on the proper steps to take when you find yourself in a situation where someone has committed a crime against you.

Sometimes, especially after a crime, the first thing people do is leave the crime scene. And while it’s understandable that people feel a desire to get away from a crime scene, they should not. Leaving the crime scene can be dangerous for you and others. Leaving the scene can potentially make it harder for the authorities to find you, can make you a target for the perpetrator you just left behind and can make it difficult for you and the authorities to collect evidence at the crime scene.

  • Do not refuse medical treatment.

We have been aware of various incidents where a person has been refused medical treatment. Please keep in mind that although the state has the power to order and compel medical treatment, you should not refuse it.

The law is often misused to dismiss the needs of people who are victims of crimes. The law recognizes that victims deserve a measure of justice, but it also recognizes that they deserve to be taken care of by their family and friends to help them heal.

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